- Fence or other obstacle that prevents movement or access from one area to other.

FAQ About Barries
Roadside barriers are designed to shield motorists from hazards and provide safe vehicle containment and redirection. They shall be compliant to MASH when installed on the Australian classified road network.
Why do we use Road Barriers?
Road barriers are designed to contain and redirect an errant vehicle away from a roadside hazard.
There are numerous types of hazards that may require shielding with a roadside barrier:
- Trees
- Power poles
- Culverts
- Rock cuttings
- Steep embankments
- Bridge abutments
- Oncoming traffic
What types of Roadside Barriers are available?
What is barrier dynamic deflection?
What is Working Width?
How are Road Barriers approved?
What is the assessment criteria for Road Barriers?
Barriers are typically classified as rigid, semi-rigid or flexible. The classification is dependant upon the amount of barrier deflection when impacted by an errant vehicle. Whilst flexible barriers minimise impact severity, they may have larger deflections making them unsuitable in some situations.
Dynamic deflection is the lateral displacement of a barrier when it is impacted by an errant vehicle.
Working width is the sum of the dynamic deflection and vehicle roll as it impacts the barrier. Working width is the minimum distance required to adequately shield an object behind the safety barrier.
The Austroads Safety Barrier Assessment Panel (ASBAP) assesses the crashworthiness and suitability of road safety barriers, systems and devices for deployment on roads managed by Australian/New Zealand Road Agencies. The following jurisdictions participate in the Panel assessment:
All submissions received by the Austroads Safety Barrier Assessment Panel must be in accordance with MASH guidelines.